Nanowar of Steel - XX Years of Steel
Release: Nanowar_of_Steel-XX_Years_of_Steel-WEB-2024-ENTiTLED
01 Intro Live 04:10
02 Sober Live 04:06
03 Nanowar Live 03:37
04 Gabonzo Robot Live 04:32
05 Tricycles of Steel Live 03:20
06 Il Cacciatore della Notte Live 03:33
07 La Maledizione di Capitan Findus Live 04:25
08 Odino Valhalla Live 04:50
09 Disco Metal Live 04:31
10 V per Viennetta Live 05:22
11 The Power of Imodium Live 06:32
12 Power of the Power of the Power of the Power of the Grea 00:09
13 Declination Live 01:12
14 Barbie MILF Princess of the Twilight Live 05:42
15 Ironmonger The Copier of the Seven Keys Live 05:03
16 RAPSody Live 01:53
17 Il Signore degli Anelli dello Stadio Live 03:09
18 Interlude Live 00:24
19 Pasadena 1994 Live 04:32
20 Norwegian Reggaeton Live 04:48
21 Metal Live 03:26
22 Sottosegretari alla Presidenza della Repubblica del True 05:26
23 Feudalesimo e Liberta Live 05:13
24 Bum Voyage Live 00:30
25 Uranus Live 04:16
26 Valhalleluja Live 06:38
27 La Polenta Taragnarock Live 04:25
28 Giorgio Mastrota The Keeper of Inox Steel Live 05:59
29 Stormwarrior of the Storm 04:22
30 03:58
31 Afraid to shoot into the eyes of a stranger in a strange 06:38
32 Armpits of Immortals 04:11
33 Das rote Pferd 03:07
34 El Baile del Perrito 03:07
35 Brave Margot 03:28
36 Were going to Tortuga 02:53
37 Gabonzo Robot Japanese Version 04:19
- Genre: HeavyMetal
- Qualität: CBR 320kbps 44.1kHz Stere
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