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Heel - Evil Days

Release: Heel - Evil Days

Heel - Evil Days

01. Heel 05:53
02. Blood sacrifice 03:04
03. Evil days 04:07
04. Paradise 05:10
05. Turnyour back on me? 03:55
06. No longer in darkness 05:44
07. Stay 04:10
08. Take your away 04:06
09. Northern light 03:22
10. Can't love everyone 04:31
11. Always 05:41


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Genre : Heavy Metal
Country : Sweden
Year : 2007

Marcus Elisson and David Henriksson started working together in 2003 and the embryo of HEEL was formed HE ( HENRIKSSON) EL (ELISSON) = HEEL David Henriksson is well known for his great vocal work with the SWEDISH POWER METAL sensation INSANIA STOCKHOLM where he fronted the band for several years and released two albums The first studio album was released in 1999, and was called World Of Ice One year later, the second album Sunrise In Riverland was released in 2000 The album was recorded in Finnvox studios with producer Mikko Karmila ( MASTERPLAN, STRATOVARIUS and many more) After the release of SUNRISE IN RIVELRLAND many concerts followed in Sweden in 2001
After a short tour with Saxon as the peak of it all David Henriksson decided to leave the band and return to his hometown in northern Sweden David needed a break from the heavy metal circus David Henriksson & Christian Rivel the singer of NARNIA also owner of RIVEL RECORDS got to know each other and became good friends in 1998 and David was also guesting live with Christian’s solo band WISDOM CALL
Christian and David kept in touch after David left Stockholm Christian hoped that David wanted to return back again to the music scene because many fans missed him since he left INSANIA STOCKHOLM David has a strong charisma on stage and he is an incredible metal singer with great vocal range

In 2003 David Henriksson needed someone to help him record a few cover songs for an acoustic tour in Northern Sweden He got in touch with his old friend Marcus Elisson who own and run his company TIRE CENTRAL & STUDIO WAREHOUSE in BJURHOLM SWEDEN Marcus gave David the help and support he needed and during those recording sessions both discovered that they still had the same passion for metal music as in the early days of their youth when hardrock & heavy metal music became a big part of their lives
Six-year older Marcus Elisson was in the melodic hardrock band RAMM and they also released a 7” vinyl single I AM, YOU ARE in 1989 that nowadays is a collectors item for collectors of SWEDISH HARDROCK & HEAVY METAL David Henriksson had just started as lead singer in the band DEEP SEA RAMM and DEEP SEA shared the same rehearsal room in the basement of a local Bjurholms-store, and RAMM was the younger boys in DEEP SEA biggest influence In 1991 Marcus went to LOS ANGELSES to study guitarplaying at GIT at MI

Since the early days in RAMM & DEEP SEA David & Marcus had good contact and many years later they are back where it all started David & Marcus decided to start writing and recording Heavy Metal again Their primary goal since the start was to get a record-deal and start touring again as a powerful metal band David didn’t forget his friend Christian Rivel and informed him what was happening and now the ball was rolling Between 2003 - 2006 they worked hard writing material when they had time between their ordinary day jobs
2006 has been the most productive year since HEEL started and they contacted Christian again and he was now convinced to sign HEEL to the RIVEL RECORDS ROOSTER David was now back again as a fronting metal singer and not only that He has now a great new band together with Marcus Elisson and they also recruited the former members of RAMM Richard & Magnus Öberg and Richard has also contributed in the song writing process together with David & Marcus

The current line up of HEEL 2007 is: DAVID HENRIKSSON – VOCALS MARCUS ELISSON – GUITARS MAGNUS ÖBERG – BASS RICHARD ÖBERG – KEYBOARDS PER MIKAELSSON – DRUMS On the great debut album EVIL DAYS several guests can be found Anders Zackrisson the original vocalist of NOCTURNAL RITES, Gerhard Stenlund, Anders Jansson & Leif Grabbe (former RAMM members)
The style we are talking about are powerful hardrock & heavy metal with great melodies in the vein of DIO,IRON MAIDEN & MALMSTEEN HEEL – EVIL DAYS RRCD033 – RIVEL RECORDS SWEDEN RELEASE DATE: 2007-07-07 The result is EVIL DAYS and will hit the stores 2007-07-07 and the band will start touring in the summe!2007-06-04 08:45:37.000!0͸ÛÍ!ÈÛÍÈÛÍ쥎!0ÍèÛÍ!2007-06-07 00:00:00.000‘!Proper*D hinzugefügt**n Top 20 + Hot


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