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Darkwater - Calling The Earth To Witness

Release: Darkwater - Calling The Earth To Witness

Darkwater - Calling The Earth To Witness

1. 2534167 (intro)
2. All eyes on me
3. Again
4. Habit
5. The play I
6. The play II
7. Shattered
8. Tallest tree
9. In my dreams


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Genre : Progressive Metal
Country : Sweden
Year : 2007

The pool of talented musicians from Sweden seems endlessly deep, which this fine debut album from Darkwater is proof of. They were formed in back 2003 and used the first couple of years writing material before they finally in 2006 went into various studios to record this album. Mixed by Peter Saether (A.C.T, Skyfire) at Studio Underground, he has managed to tie all the pieces together and supply this album with a crystal clear and powerful sound.

Listening to this album there is no doubt where they have taken most of their inspiration from! They surely wear the influences on the outside, gathering bits and pieces from 4 bands; Dream Theater, Symphony X, Evergrey and A.C.T - mix the sound from those 4 bands and you might end up with a bastard child called: Darkwater.

In case you haven't figured it out by now, we are dealing with a very talented band, which plays progressive metal with a flair for a good melody-line. After a short intro we are presented with 8 long tracks, displaying a very skilful band where the technical level is high.

My personal highlights include the more than 12 minutes epos: "Habit" and the equally brilliant "Shattered", but all eight songs shows a more than capable band, which has yet to find it's own sound and identity, but surely has the capacity to write and record great music.

The lack of originality is the biggest set-back to me on this otherwise great debut album, but if you take into account that this is their first sign of life, then I am sure they will move towards establishing their own identity and sounds with their next album.

Not quite the masterpiece the info-sheet calls it out to be, but surely a very good building stone for an up and coming young Swedish band, a band that in vocalist Henrik Båth has a singer, who on this debut album overshadows most of the competition! His performance alone makes this album worth picking up and I really look forward to watch their progress down the line...

Good start!


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