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Anubis Gate - Andromeda Unchained

Release: Anubis Gate - Andromeda Unchained

Anubis Gate - Andromeda Unchained

01.Freak Storm at Post Zeta... One Child Missing 00:49
02.Snowbound 06:21
03.Waking Hour 04:20
04.Andromeda Unchained 05:00
05.Banished from Sector Q 00:38
06.Beyond Redemption 05:51
07.Resurrection Time 05:11
08.Escape Pod 00:32
09.This White Storm Through My Mind 08:18
10.The Final Overture 06:16
11.Take Me Home 05:13
12.Point of No Concern 05:59
13.The End of Millenium Road 10:17
14.The Stars of Canis Minor 01:15
15.Untitled 04:20


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Genre : Progressive Power Metal
Country : Denmark
Year : 2007


Jacob Hansen (vocals), Jesper M. Jensen (guitar / bass / keyboards), Kim Olesen (guitar / keyboards), Morten Sørensen (drums)

The origins of ANUBIS GATE, hailing from the Ålborg / Odense region, go back to 1984, when Jesper Jensen and Henrik Fevre formed their first band V-AXE. Later they adopted the name GRAFF SPEE but disbanded in 1986 after some local gigs and demos. Jensen continued on and founded EXTREME FEEDBACK and was soon joined by Morten Sorensen on drums and Kim Olesen on guitar. After a few years, EXTREME FEEDBACK folded and Jensen went on to put in a tenure with INVOCATOR, appearing on the 'Excursion Demise' album in 1989.

After INVOCATOR split, Jensen and Sorensen formed a Rap-Metal act called GERONIMO, who produced and album and EP before folding in 1995. The various members and friends all kept in touch until the late 90's when they decided to pursue a new musical venture around 1999. Jensen gathered his various colleagues, Sorensen, Olesen and Fevre and they recruited vocalist Torben Askholm, ex-RIGID DOMAIN, PROPHETS OF DOOM and NORTHERN EMPIRE.

Now solidified as a quartet, the band now known as ANUBIS GATE, worked for a few years on traditional, classically inspired Heavy Metal material until they entered Hansen Studios under the watchful eye of Jacob Hansen, ex-INVOCATOR and producer of such Danish acts as FALCONER, MERCENARY and WUTHERING HEIGHTS. The debut album 'Purification' was released in April 2004 on the Locomotive label.

After initial positive press and fan support, ANUBIS GATE capitalized on the momentum and re-entered Hansen Studios in the winter of 2004 again working with Jacob Hansen. In September of 2005 the sophmore effort, 'A Perfect Forever' was released on the Locomotive label to many positive reviews and regional touring.

Torben Askholm encountered health problems in September 2005, necessitating bassist Henrik Fevre taking over vocal duties for live work. In November Askholm was diagnosed with an throat-related illness which precipitated his unfortunate and premature depature from the band and music in general. INVOCATOR and BEYOND TWILIGHT frontman Jacob Hansen would be announced as replacement. Meantime, former ANUBIS GATE vocalist Torben Askholm announced the formation of his new band STRANGER TIDES.


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