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Polly Paulusma - Wildfires

Release: Polly_Paulusma-Wildfires-WEB-2025-ENRiCH

Polly Paulusma - Wildfires

01. Prologue to Paper Cathedral 00:54
02. Paper Cathedral 03:48
03. Prologue to Mary Louise 01:40
04. Mary Louise 04:11
05. Prologue to Red Flags 00:57
06. Red Flags 05:08
07. Prologue to Dunstable Downs 02:00
08. Dunstable Downs 03:45
09. Prologue to Over and Over 00:56
10. Over and Over 04:44
11. Prologue to O My America 00:41
12. O My America 04:04
13. Prologue to Eyes on the Road 01:30
14. Eyes on the Road 05:31
15. Prologue to Wild Swimming 01:40
16. Wild Swimming 03:38
17. Prologue to Cabin in the Woods 03:59
18. Cabin in the Woods 05:28
19. Prologue to Scars 01:27
20. Scars 04:36
21. Prologue to Last Night I Had A Dream 02:05
22. Last Night I Had A Dream 04:45
23. Prologue to Mad Girls Love Song 2 02:05
24. Mad Girls Love Song 2 05:19
25. Prologue to Throw Me To The Dogs 01:00
26. Throw Me To The Dogs 04:40
27. Prologue to What You Waiting For 00:37
28. What You Waiting For 03:29
29. Prologue to Tip of my Tongue 00:47
30. Tip of my Tongue 04:22
31. Prologue to Long Goodbye 01:42
32. Long Goodbye 02:38
33. Prologue to May Day 00:41
34. May Day 04:20
35. Prologue to You Are Everything 00:52
36. You Are Everything 06:04
37. Prologue to Tiny Little Things 01:21
38. Tiny Little Things 06:25


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