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Planetakis - Out of the Club Into the Night

Release: Planetakis - Out of the Club Into the Night

Planetakis - Out of the Club Into the Night

01 raus aus der wirklichkeit 02:55
02 money sex and alcohol 03:23
03 jamez bond son of a bitch 05:03
04 messages 03:29
05 no faith no more 04:05
06 spam 02:28
07 pogo in the shoes of kylie minogue 03:32
08 pogo mit hans (feat. hans nieswandt) 05:32
09 letters to norway 03:55
10 hell or holiday 03:47
11 roboter 04:02

_ _
TOTAL: 42:11


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__ ARTiST..[ Planetakis __
TiTLE...[ Out of the Club Into the Night
GENRE...[ Synthpop GRABBER.[ EAC
_ LABEL...[ PengMusic/Cargo Rec. ENCODER.[ Lame 3.97 _
_ _ YEAR....[ 2007 QUALiTY.[ avg. 198kbps _ _
_ _ SOURCE..[ CDDA MODE....[ Joint-Stereo _ _
PLAYTIME[ 42:11 min REL.DATE[ 08.11.2007
_ SiZE....[ 615 MB SUPPLiER[ TEAM OMA _


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