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Parkway Drive - Horizons

Release: Parkway Drive - Horizons

Parkway Drive - Horizons

01. Begin
02. The Sirens' Song
03. Feed Them To The Pigs
04. Carrion
05. Five Months
06. Boneyards
07. Idols and Anchors
08. Moments In Oblivion
09. Breaking Point
10. Dead Man's Chest
11. Frostbite
12. Horizons


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Genre : Metalcore
Country : Australia
Year : 2007


Winston McCall (vocals), Luke Kilpatrick (guitar), Jeff Ling (guitar), Brett Versteegh (bass), Ben Gordon (drums)

Formed in 2003, PARKWAY DRIVE released an album with Resist Records during 2005. In January 2006 the band partnered with EVERGREEN TERRACE, THE GETAWAY PLAN and CARPATHIAN on Australian dates. The band's 2006 album, 'Killing With A Smile', was produced by KILLSWITCH ENGAGE guitarist Adam Dutkiewicz for a US August release through Epitaph Records.

North American shows in April 2007 would be backed by COMEBACK KID, IT DIES TODAY, THIS IS HELL and ENDWELL. Following festival appearances in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, the band joined the ranks of the roving 'Vans Warped' US touring festival throughout July and August.


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