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Rush-Rush 50-WEBMARR

Release: Rush-Rush_50-WEB-2025-MARR

Rush-Rush 50-WEBMARR

01. Not Fade Away 3:16
02. You Can't Fight It 2:48
03. Working Man (Vault Edition) 7:09
04. Need Some Love (Live At Laura Secord Secondary 3:10
05. Before And After (Live At Laura Secord Secondary 5:59
06. Bad Boy (Live At Agora Ballroom Cleveland 5:34
07. Garden Road (Live At Agora Ballroom Cleveland 3:03
08. Anthem (Live At Electric Lady Studios New York 4:24
09. Fly By Night 3:21
10. Bastille Day 4:37
11. 2112 Overture The Temples Of Syrinx 6:45
12. By-Tor And The Snow Dog (Live At Massey Hall 11:50
13. Something For Nothing (Live At Massey Hall 4:02
14. Closer To The Heart 2:54
15. Xanadu (Live At Hammersmith Odeon 12:20
16. Drum Solo (Live At Hammersmith Odeon 5:40
17. The Trees (Vault Edition) 4:44
18. La Villa Strangiato (Live At Pinkpop Festival 11:21
19. In The Mood (Live At Pinkpop Festival 2:43
20. The Spirit Of Radio 4:57
21. Natural Science (Live in Manchester Permanent 8:43
22. A Passage To Bangkok (Live in Manchester 3:43
23. Tom Sawyer 4:36
24. Limelight (Live In YYZ 1981) 4:26
25. Vital Signs (Live In YYZ 1981) 5:05
26. YYZ (Live In Canada 1980) 7:43
27. Subdivisions 5:34
28. Red Sector A 5:09
29. Witch Hunt (Live At Maple Leaf Gardens Toronto 4:41
30. New World Man (Live Audio From Grace Under 3:59
31. The Big Money 5:38
32. Time Stand Still 5:09
33. Distant Early Warning (Live In Birmingham 5:14
34. Superconductor 4:47
35. Dreamline 4:37
36. Stick It Out 4:31
37. Test For Echo 5:55
38. The Rhythm Method (Live At World Music Theatre 8:20
39. One Little Victory (Remixed) 5:08
40. Cygnus X-1 (Live At Maracana Stadium Rio de 3:12
41. The Seeker 3:24
42. Between The Wheels (Live At Festhalle Frankfurt 6:17
43. The Main Monkey Business 6:01
44. Workin' Them Angels (Live At Ahoy Arena 4:58
45. Freewill (Live At Quicken Loans Arena 5:29
46. Red Barchetta (Live At Quicken Loans Arena 6:55


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