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Vendetta - Tyrany Of Minority

Release: Vendetta - Tyrany Of Minority

Vendetta - Tyrany Of Minority

01. Archangel 1:08
02. Generation Kill 4:56
03. I Executioner 4:34
04. Doorways of the Mind 4:50
05. Golden Boy 4:13
06. Red Skies 5:54
07. Plastic God 4:12
08. Bones to Dust 3:37
09. Lost Cause 4:41
10. All Fall Down 4:38
11. No Safe Hole 4:13
12. Window of the Soul 6:17



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Genre : Heavy Metal
Country : USA
Year : 2007

VENDETTA was formed in early 2006 by guitarist/vocalist Edward Box. An
instrumentalist of considerable repute, Ed wanted to broaden his musical base
and return to the roots of his obsession - traditional metal.

Guitarist Pete Thompson and bass player Gary Foalle were swiftly recruited and,
in the absence of a permanent drummer, Ed called in the services of longtime Box
stalwart Mick Robson to temporarily complete the lineup. Not for this band the
endless grind of low key gigs, experience had taught them that this was not
necessarily the best plan of attack. The mission was set - to make an album of
classic metal anthems, one that would capture the essence of the music that had
driven these men since their youths in the rain swept hills of Cumbria and the
industrial wastes of the North East of England.

VENDETTA have produced a self financed debut album of timeless quality, one that
reflects not only the world in which we live, but is testament to the power of
musical faith. With the album complete the search was on for a permanent drummer
and with Chris Higgins recruited to the ranks, VENDETTA are now able to unleash
themselves on the live circuit and bring their metal to the masses.

The sound of the pounding drums of Higgins, the driving bass of Foalle, the dual
riffing and six string attack of Thompson and Box. It can mean only one thing -
VENDETTA are on the warpath, hell bent on staking their claim in the pantheon of
Metal. You're either for or against them, there's no inbetween.


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