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Big Guns - Stick Em Up (EP)

Release: Big Guns - Stick Em Up (EP)

Big Guns - Stick Em Up (EP)

01-Intelligent and Blind
03-A little bit of Love
04-Mony talks
05-Don't push
06-One more River

incl. Cover


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Genre : Hard Rock
Country : UK
Year : 2007


Ian Taylor (vocals), Neil Brocklebank (guitar), Wayne Lawson (guitar), John Ward (bass), Robin Ward (drums)

Thursk based Rockers founded in February 1994, BIG GUNS guitarist Neil Brocklebank was previously with ARTISAN, a band that had two single releases to their name. Whilst vocalist Ian Taylor was ex-DISCOVERY; drummer Robin Ward previously with MAI ROUGE, bassist John Ward had been a member of both CASTLE CREW and JOKERS WILD (not to be confused with either of the two bands bearing the name JOKERS WILD that have released singles).

Following the release of the 'On Dangerous Ground' album through the Japanese Zero label in 1995, Brocklebank departed in favour of former FORCE MAJEURE guitarist Phil O'Davy. BIG GUNS broke up in late 1995 with John Ward returning to JOKERS WILD. Second guitarist Wayne Lawson is now a member of covers band MEN PERFORMING BADLY.


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