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Demigod - Let Chaos Prevail

Release: Demigod - Let Chaos Prevail

Demigod - Let Chaos Prevail

01. Not Dead Enough 03:55
02. Let Chaos Prevail 03:44
03. Dark Turns Black 05:17
04. Cult of Sickness 03:57
05. God Said Suffer 04:22
06. To See the Last One Die 03:38
07. Self-Caged 03:16
08. End of Evolution 04:36
09. The Uncrowned 03:37
10. Baptized In Enmity 04:03

Total playing time 40:25


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Genre : Death Metal
Country : Finland
Year : 2007


Esa Linden (vocals), Mika Naapasalo (guitar), Jussi Kiiski (guitar), Tero Laitinen (bass), Seppo Taatila (drums)

Loimaa based Cult Death Metal act DEMIGOD split after only one album. The band's first product would be a split offering shared with NECROPSY on the American Seraphic Decay label. In 1993 drummer Seppo Taatila joined ADRAMELCH. Esa Linden would also join ADRAMELCH in 1996. The band bowed to pressure to reform for the 'Shadow Mechanics' album but by February of 2002 Taatila bade his farewell, the band duly recruiting TORN drummer Tuomo Latvala in his stead. Latvala also holds credits with TORTURE KILLER and DEEPRED.

DEMIGOD released its third album, 'Let Chaos Prevail', in June 2007 through Xtreem Music. DEMIGOD parted ways with guitarist Tero Laitinen in September but swiftly announced the addition of guitarist Tuomas Karppinen, of TORTURE KILLER, ARCHGOAT, TORN, FUNERAL FEAST, PANZERKVLT and DEEPRED, to the group's ranks as substitute.


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