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Lechery - Violator

Release: Lechery - Violator

Lechery - Violator

01. Rise with me
02. Come alive
03. I am the one
04. Hero of the night
05. Your fate
06. What burns in their eyes
07. Slave under passion
08. Why
09. Cynical
10. Attraction
11. Open your eyes


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Genre : Heavy Metal
Country : Sweden
Streetdate : 18.01.08


Martin Bengtsson (vocals / guitar), Fredrik Nordstrandh (guitar), Marcus Eriksson (bass), Alex Nielsen (keyboards), Robert Persson (drums)

LECHERY is fronted by Martin Bengtsson, erstwhile bassist for ARCH ENEMY and ARMAGEDDON. Guitarist Fredrik Nordstrandh and bassist Marcus Eriksson are both ex-MOONLIGHT whilst drummer Robert Persson is also active with DRAGONTHRONE. The band introduced keyboard player Alex Nielsen in June of 2003.


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