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One Less Reason - A Lifetime Burning

Release: One Less Reason - A Lifetime Burning

One Less Reason - A Lifetime Burning

01 - The Same Thing 04:05
02 - Favorite Color 03:35
03 - Pieces of You 04:25
04 - All That's Best in You 04:10
05 - If You Want Me 04:03
06 - Worthless 04:27
07 - Your Beautiful Ending 03:25
08 - Pocket Change 04:45
09 - September 04:58
10 - Time to Heal 04:40
11 - A Day to Be Alone 04:32
12 - Sadly Smiling Through 03:37
13 - Life in A Way 04:24
14 - A Lifetime Burning 04:52
15 - Untitled 07:25

Total : 67:23 min


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Genre : Alternative Rock
Country : USA
Year : 2008


Cris Brown (vocals / guitar), Brian Kirk (guitar), Jereme Hubble (bass), Kevin Scott (drums)

ONE LESS REASON was created as the Thrash influenced LAPPDOG during 1998 by Jackson, Tennessee residents vocalist / guitarist Cris Brown and Jereme Hubble. Throughout 2000 the group, rounded out by drummer Kevin Scott, worked the live circuit as a trio prior to the induction of second guitarist Brian Kirk following issue of the 2001 EP 'The Year Of the Dog'. This record ambitiously saw the band tackling a cover version of PRINCE's 'When Doves Cry'.

The band's opening demo as ONE LESS REASON would be cut in Atlanta, Georgia with producer Rick Beato in January of 2003. Working with Pete Thornton behind the desk an October set of newly recorded songs secured the band's signature to Universal Records as 2003 closed.


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