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Battleroar - To Death And Beyond

Release: Battleroar - To Death And Beyond

Battleroar - To Death And Beyond

01. The Wrathforge 08:17
02. Dragonhelm 04:10
03. Finis Mundi 08:54
04. Metal from Hellas 04:15
05. Hyrkanian Blades 04:47
06. Oceans of Pain 10:22
07. Born in the '70s 05:23
08. Warlord of Mars 04:23
09. Death before Disgrace 08:35
10. Morbid Tabernacle / Isle of the Dead (Manilla Road cover) 04:40


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Genre : Epic Heavy/Power Metal
Country : Greece
Streetdate : 30.05.08


Vagelis Krouskas (vocals), Kostas Tzortzis (guitar), Manolis Karazeris (guitar), Christos Remoundos (bass), Nick Papadopoulos (drums)

BATTLEROAR, founded in September of 2000, are an industrious renaissance act musically rooted in the American mid 80s Metal scene. BATTLEROAR's opening formation counted vocalist Vagelis Krouskas, the guitar pairing of Kostas Tzortzis and Manolis Karazeris, bass guitarist Christos Remoundos and Nick Papadopoulos on the drums. The band have had the good fortune of supporting two of their musical inspirators, BROCAS HELM and OMEN, on their Greek tours of 2001 and March 2002 respectively. BATTLEROAR bowed in with an eponymous self financed 'live in the studio' EP during November of 2001. A 7" single 'Dragonship' arrived in March of the following year.

March of 2002 saw the introduction of two new personnel, Italian vocalist Marco Concoreggi and bassist Kostas Makrikostas. BATTLEROAR released the 'Age Of Chaos' album in 2005. The band toured Europe in January 2006 in alliance with ADRAMELCH and AIRGED LAMH.

BATTLEROAR played at the Milan, Italy 'Play It Loud' festival in February 2007.

That October BATTLEROAR contractedwith Cruz Del Sur for the release of their third album, 'To Death And Beyond' wich will be released in may 2008.


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