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The Fratellis - Here We Stand

Release: The Fratellis - Here We Stand

The Fratellis - Here We Stand

1. My Friend John 3:02
2. A Heady Tale 4:52
3. Shameless 3:56
4. Look Out Sunshine! 3:53
5. Stragglers Moon 4:31
6. Mistress Mabel 4:27
7. Jesus Stole My Baby 4:23
8. Babydoll 4:42
9. Tell Me A Lie 3:58
10. Acid Jazz Singer 4:21
11. Lupe Brown 5:26
12. Milk And Money 4:43


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Artist: The Fratellis
Title: Here We Stand
Label: Island
Genre: Indie
Bitrate: 215kbit av.
Time: 00:52:14
Size: 84.70 mb
Rip Date: 2008-05-31
Str Date: 2008-06-09

Release Notes:

Jon Fratelli isn't sure of THE moment in the 18-month world
tour in support of 'Costello Music' - the moment when he and
his fellow Fratellis knew their debut album had become some
kind of phenomenon. Was it hearing Chelsea Dagger hoovering up
radio play throughout the latter half of 2006, or being sung
on the terraces at Stamford Bridge, Celtic Park and Love
Street? Was it the crowds roaring their approval as The
Fratellis toured at the end of that year? Winning the 2007
Brit Award for Best British Breakthrough Act, Apple requesting
the use of 'Flathead' in an iPod ad. . Or was it selling over
one million copies of 'Costello Music'?

Nah. Jon does know THE moment, the tipping point, the solid
gold easy action brain-melt snapshot... "T In The Park, July
2006, no question," he nods. "We'd only released [first
single] 'Henrietta'. 'Chelsea Dagger' wasn't out, the album
was two months away."

This time round the band are established, and playing on a
much bigger stage - Mistress Mabel is A listed all over the
country, and the band are playing the main stage at
Glastonbury, T In The Park, Reading and Leeds as well as doing
their own show at Somerset house.

Here We Stand represents a huge step up for the Glasgow boys,
full of anthemic sing alongs and bursting with a new found
confidence, it already has The Sun proclaiming that the album
is a "Modern British rock classic"


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