Nino Rota - 44
Release: Nino_Rota-The_Godfather_Trilogy-OST-16BIT-WEB-FLAC-2014-ENRiCH
01. The Godfather Pt. I: Main Title The Godfather Waltz 03:09
02. The Godfather Pt. I: I Have but One Heart 03:01
03. The Godfather Pt. I: The PickUp 02:10
04. The Godfather Pt. I: Connies Wedding 01:38
05. The Godfather Pt. I: The Halls of Fear 02:16
06. The Godfather Pt. I: Sicilian Pastorale 01:35
07. The Godfather Pt. I: Love Theme From The Godfather 02:46
08. The Godfather Pt. I: The Godfather Waltz 03:43
09. The Godfather Pt. I: Apollonia 01:25
10. The Godfather Pt. I: The New Godfather 02:04
11. The Godfather Pt. I: The Baptism 01:55
12. The Godfather Pt. I: The Godfather Finale 04:01
13. The Godfather Pt. II: Main Title The Immigrant 02:50
14. The Godfather Pt. II: A New Carpet 02:03
15. The Godfather Pt. II: Kay 02:45
16. The Godfather Pt. II: Every Time I Look in Your Eyes 02:38
17. The Godfather Pt. II: Vita and Abbondando 02:39
18. The Godfather Pt. II: Senza Mama Ciuri Ciuri Napu 02:37
19. The Godfather Pt. II: The Godfather at Home 02:39
20. The Godfather Pt. II: Remember Vito Andolini 02:54
21. The Godfather Pt. II: Michael Comes Home 02:20
22. The Godfather Pt. II: Marcia Stile Italiano 01:55
23. The Godfather Pt. II: Ninna Nanna a Michele 02:25
24. The Godfather Pt. II: The Brothers Mourn 03:23
25. The Godfather Pt. II: Murder of Don Fanucci Marcia 04:24
26. The Godfather Pt. II: Murder of Don Fanucci Marcia 01:40
27. The Godfather Pt. II: The Godfather II End Title 04:13
28. The Godfather Pt. III: Main Title 00:44
29. The Godfather Pt. III: Godfather Waltz 01:12
30. The Godfather Pt. III: Marcia Religiosa 02:50
31. The Godfather Pt. III: Michaels Letter 01:14
32. The Godfather Pt. III: The Immigrant Love Theme of 02:29
33. The Godfather Pt. III: Godfather Waltz Pt. 2 01:27
34. The Godfather Pt. III: To Each His Own 03:22
35. The Godfather Pt. III: Vincents Theme 01:49
36. The Godfather Pt. III: Altobello 02:10
37. The Godfather Pt. III: The Godfather III Intermezzo 03:22
38. The Godfather Pt. III: Va Pensiero 02:11
39. The Godfather Pt. III: Tarantella 03:14
40. The Godfather Pt. III: Mazurka Alla Siciliana 02:49
41. The Godfather Pt. III: Promise Me Youll Remember 05:14
42. The Godfather Pt. III: Preludio From Cavalleria Rust 06:11
43. The Godfather Pt. III: A Casa Amiche From Cavalleria 02:01
44. The Godfather Pt. III: Preghiera From Cavalleria Rus 05:31
45. The Godfather Pt. III: Finale From Cavalleria Rustic 08:15
46. The Godfather Pt. III: Coda Godfather III 02:02
- Genre: Soundtrack
- Qualität: 318kbps 44.1kHz
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