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VA - DJ Tomo: Modern Summer

Release: VA-DJ_Tomo-Modern_Summer-.TCR026.-CD-FLAC-2020-LEB

VA - DJ Tomo: Modern Summer

01. 7 Miles High Shes Gone Away 03:00
02. Shaker Give Me Love 02:39
03. Phil Flowers Stay Awhile 02:23
04. Lenny Williams Where Theres A Will Theres A Way 02:15
05. Archie James Cavanaugh Light Unto The World 02:58
06. The Blackbyrds Love Dont Strike Twice 03:14
07. Quiet Fire Ive Got Everything I Need 02:27
08. Stylus Bushwalkin 02:53
09. Steponit A Little While 02:33
10. Carl Anderson Buttercup 01:40
11. Beloyd Today All Day 01:46
12. Rev. T.L. Barrett Lords Prayer 03:00
13. The 9th Creation Let It Shine 02:28
14. The Pretenders I Call It Love 02:15
15. T T Something On My Mind 02:17
16. Vee Gees Talkin 02:43
17. The Ferry Brothers Til Mornin Comess 02:14
18. Ronnie Dyson I Want To Be Where You Are 02:11
19. Desi Im Much Too Shy 03:26
20. Bobby Moore Call Me Your Anything Man 02:27
21. Ronn Matlock I Cant Forget About You 02:59
22. Ester Byrde Touch Me Take Me 02:42
23. Five OClock Watch For The Morning 03:17
24. Sweet Thunder Baby I Need Your Love 04:18
25. Kinsman Dazz I Might As Well Forget About Lovin You 03:17


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