Laibach - 55
Release: Laibach-IRON_SKY_The_Coming_Race_.The_Original_Soundtrack.-OST-16BIT-WEB-FLAC-2023-ENRiCH
01. Title Sequence 00:55
02. The Coming Race 03:34
03. Neomenia Moon Base 02:01
04. Walkure Lands 01:53
05. The Arrival of Russian Refugees 00:34
06. Obi Inspects the Spaceship Kolia 00:46
07. Renate Refuses to Host Refugees 01:07
08. Moonquake 01:41
09. The Jobsists 02:53
10. Stay Hungry Stay Foolish 01:17
11. Renate and Obi 00:43
12. Vestal Celestial Amelia 01:19
13. Moon Fuhrer is Back 03:50
14. Obi and Vril Wolfgang Fight 00:27
15. Renates Illness 01:08
16. Vrilya 01:28
17. Wolfgangs Flashback 04:46
18. Map of Agartha Expedition for the Journey 05:06
19. Back to Earth Crash Landing 02:23
20. Hollow Earth 00:43
21. 3310 Blue R7309170 01:30
22. The Promised Land 02:08
23. The City of Agartha Pt. 1 00:41
24. The Vril Banquet Hall 04:58
25. The City of Agartha Pt. 2 00:18
26. First Among Steves 01:09
27. Malcolm Fights Raptors 00:43
28. The Jobsists Presented to Vril Hitler 01:50
29. The Gate to the Holy Grail 01:28
30. The Jobsists Negotiating with Vril Hitler and Get Eat 02:19
31. Stealing the Holy Grail 02:03
32. Malcolm Fights Vril Jobs and Vril Hitler 01:18
33. The Triceratops Chariot Race 03:15
34. Escape from Earth 01:09
35. Wolfgangs Disclosure 01:20
36. Sieg Heil Mutterfuckers 01:56
37. Zeit zum Toten 01:14
38. Renate Dies 03:40
39. Escape from the Moon iExcommunicating Wolfgang 03:26
40. Celebratory Party Space Funeral 02:06
41. Love is Still Alive 03:29
42. Pered voskhodom solntsa 05:56
43. The Coming Race Concert Version 03:50
- Genre: Soundtrack
- Qualität: 416kbps 44.1kHz
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