Ingurgitating Oblivion - Ontology of Nought
Release: Ingurgitating_Oblivion-Ontology_of_Nought-16BIT-WEB-FLAC-2024-ENTiTLED
01 Uncreations whirring loom you ply with crippled fingers 03:30
02 Uncreations whirring loom you ply with crippled fingers 05:44
03 Uncreations whirring loom you ply with crippled fingers 05:28
04 To weave the tapestry of nought part I 05:07
05 To weave the tapestry of nought part II 05:12
06 To weave the tapestry of nought part III 08:29
07 The blossoms of your tomorrow shall unfold in my heart p 03:44
08 The blossoms of your tomorrow shall unfold in my heart p 03:13
09 The blossoms of your tomorrow shall unfold in my heart p 04:14
10 Lest I should perish with travel effete and weary as my 03:48
11 Lest I should perish with travel effete and weary as my 04:15
12 Lest I should perish with travel effete and weary as my 02:20
13 The barren earth oozes blood and shakes and moans to dr 04:02
14 The barren earth oozes blood and shakes and moans to dr 05:51
15 The barren earth oozes blood and shakes and moans to dr 08:24
- Genre: Death Metal
- Qualität: 702kbps 44.1kHz
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