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Steve Reich - Collected Works

Release: Steve_Reich-Collected_Works-16BIT-WEB-FLAC-2025-ENRiCH

Steve Reich - Collected Works

001. Come Out 12:58
002. Piano Phase 20:36
003. Clapping Music 04:48
004. Its Gonna Rain Pt. I 1965 07:59
005. Its Gonna Rain Pt. II 1965 09:55
006. Drumming: Pt. I 17:30
007. Drumming: Pt. II 18:10
008. Drumming: Pt. III 11:12
009. Drumming: Pt. IV 09:50
010. Music for 18 Musicians: Pulses 05:26
011. Music for 18 Musicians: Section I 03:58
012. Music for 18 Musicians: Section II 05:13
013. Music for 18 Musicians: Section IIIA 03:55
014. Music for 18 Musicians: Section IIIB 03:48
015. Music for 18 Musicians: Section IV 06:36
016. Music for 18 Musicians: Section V 06:48
017. Music for 18 Musicians: Section VI 04:54
018. Music for 18 Musicians: Section VII 04:19
019. Music for 18 Musicians: Section VIII 03:34
020. Music for 18 Musicians: Section IX 05:23
021. Music for 18 Musicians: Section X 01:50
022. Music for 18 Musicians: Section XI 05:44
023. Music for 18 Musicians: Pulses II 06:10
024. New York Counterpoint: I. Fast 05:03
025. New York Counterpoint: II. Slow 02:43
026. New York Counterpoint: III. Fast 03:40
027. Eight Lines Octet 17:36
028. Four Organs 15:52
029. Tehillim Pt. I Fast 11:45
030. Tehillim Pt. II Fast 06:01
031. Tehillim Pt. III Slow 06:18
032. Tehillim Pt. IV Fast 06:23
033. Three Movements: I. quarter note176 06:43
034. Three Movements: II. quarter note88 03:41
035. Three Movements: III. quarter note176 04:18
036. The Desert Music: First Movement Fast 07:54
037. The Desert Music: Second Movement Moderate 06:59
038. The Desert Music: Third Movement Pt. 1 Slow 06:59
039. The Desert Music: Third Movement Pt. 2 Moderate 05:53
040. The Desert Music: Third Movement Pt. 3 Slow 05:54
041. The Desert Music: Fourth Movement Moderate 03:35
042. The Desert Music: Fifth Movement Fast 10:47
043. Sextet: 1st Movement 10:29
044. Sextet: 2nd Movement 04:12
045. Sextet: 3rd Movement 02:27
046. Sextet: 4th Movement 03:14
047. Sextet: 5th Movement 05:59
048. Six Marimbas 16:19
049. Different Trains: AmericaBefore the war 08:58
050. Different Trains: EuropeDuring the war 07:30
051. Different Trains: After the war 10:30
052. Electric Counterpoint: I. Fast 06:51
053. Electric Counterpoint: II. Slow 03:21
054. Electric Counterpoint: III. Fast 04:30
055. The Four Sections: I. Strings 11:25
056. The Four Sections: II. Percussion 02:29
057. The Four Sections: III. Winds and Brass 05:54
058. The Four Sections: IV. Full Orchestra 06:14
059. Music for Mallet Instruments Voices and Organ 16:58
060. The Cave Act 1 Scene 1: Typing Music Genesis XVI 02:58
061. The Cave Act 1 Scene 2: Who Is Abraham 01:33
062. The Cave Act 1 Scene 3: Genesis XII 02:18
063. The Cave Act 1 Scene 4: Who Is Sarah 03:06
064. The Cave Act 1 Scene 5: Who Is Hagar 02:37
065. The Cave Act 1 Scene 6: Typing Music Repeat 01:13
066. The Cave Act 1 Scene 7: Who Is Ishmael 04:42
067. The Cave Act 1 Scene 8: Genesis XVIII 02:32
068. The Cave Act 1 Scene 9: Who Is Isaac 04:57
069. The Cave Act 1 Scene 10: Genesis XXI 02:36
070. The Cave Act 1 Scene 11: The Casting out of Ishmael 05:25
071. The Cave Act 1 Scene 12: Machpelah Commentary 03:27
072. The Cave Act 1 Scene 13: Genesis XXV 01:20
073. The Cave Act 1 Scene 14: Interior of the Cave 04:30
074. The Cave Act 2 Scene 1: Surah 3 04:40
075. The Cave Act 2 Scene 2: Who Is Ibrahim 04:26
076. The Cave Act 2 Scene 3: Who Is Hajar 03:54
077. The Cave Act 2 Scene 4: The Near Sacrifice 05:05
078. The Cave Act 2 Scene 5: El Khalil Commentary 05:19
079. The Cave Act 2 Scene 6: Interior of the Cave 03:46
080. The Cave Act 3 Scene 1: Who Is Abraham 06:29
081. The Cave Act 3 Scene 2: Who Is Sarah 04:23
082. The Cave Act 3 Scene 3: Who Is Hagar 04:40
083. The Cave Act 3 Scene 4: Who Is Ishmael 04:04
084. The Cave Act 3 Scene 5: The Binding of Isaac 04:28
085. The Cave Act 3 Scene 6: The Cave of Machpelah 08:42
086. Proverb 14:09
087. Nagoya Marimba 04:35
088. City Life: I. Check it out 05:51
089. City Life: II. Pile driver alarms 03:53
090. City Life: III. Its been a honeymoonCant take no 04:47
091. City Life: IV. Heartbeats boats buoys 03:59
092. City Life: V. Heavy smoke 04:42
093. Triple Quartet: First Movement 07:10
094. Triple Quartet: Second Movement 04:04
095. Triple Quartet: Third Movement 03:28
096. Electric Guitar Phase 15:11
097. Music for a Large Ensemble 14:50
098. Tokyo Vermont Counterpoint 09:04
099. Three Tales Act 1 Hindenburg: Nibelung Zeppelin 03:19
101. Three Tales Act 1 Hindenburg: I Couldnt Understa 05:14
102. Three Tales Act 2 Bikini: In the Air 1 01:23
103. Three Tales Act 2 Bikini: The Atoll 1 01:45
104. Three Tales Act 2 Bikini: On the Ships 1 02:46
105. Three Tales Act 2 Bikini: In the Air 2 01:53
106. Three Tales Act 2 Bikini: The Atoll 2 02:28
107. Three Tales Act 2 Bikini: On the Ships 2 02:43
108. Three Tales Act 2 Bikini: In the Air 3 01:57
109. Three Tales Act 2 Bikini: The Atoll 3 02:48
110. Three Tales Act 2 Bikini: On the Ships 3 02:15
111. Three Tales Act 2 Bikini: Coda 02:16
112. Three Tales Act 3 Dolly: Cloning 02:45
113. Three Tales Act 3 Dolly: Dolly 01:52
114. Three Tales Act 3 Dolly: Human Body Machine 06:12
115. Three Tales Act 3 Dolly: Darwin 04:03
116. Three Tales Act 3 Dolly: Interlude 00:30
117. Three Tales Act 3 Dolly: Robot Cyborgs Immort 10:37
118. You Are Variations: I. You are wherever your thoug 13:14
119. You Are Variations: II. Shiviti Hashem lnegdi I 04:15
120. You Are Variations: III. Explanations come to an e 05:24
121. You Are Variations: IV. Ehmor maht vahsay harba 04:04
122. Cello Counterpoint 11:29
123. Daniel Variations: I. I saw a dream 06:24
124. Daniel Variations: II. My name is Daniel Pearl Im 08:23
125. Daniel Variations: III. Let the dream fall back on t 04:42
126. Daniel Variations: IV. I sure hope Gabriel likes my 10:07
127. Variations for Vibes Pianos and Strings: I. Fast 11:35
128. Variations for Vibes Pianos and Strings: II. Slow 06:51
129. Variations for Vibes Pianos and Strings: III. Fast 03:34
130. Double Sextet: I. Fast 08:39
131. Double Sextet: II. Slow 06:43
132. Double Sextet: III. Fast 06:52
133. 2x5: I. Fast 10:12
134. 2x5: II. Slow 03:12
135. 2x5: III. Fast 07:07
136. WTC 911: I. 911 03:39
137. WTC 911: II. 2010 07:26
138. WTC 911: III. WTC 04:36
139. Mallet Quartet: I. Fast 06:46
140. Mallet Quartet: II. Slow 03:09
141. Mallet Quartet: III. Fast 04:42
142. Dance Patterns 06:09
143. Electric Counterpoint: I. Fast 06:51
144. Electric Counterpoint: II. Slow 03:21
145. Electric Counterpoint: III. Fast 04:26
146. Piano Counterpoint 13:42
147. Radio Rewrite: I. Fast 03:51
148. Radio Rewrite: II. Slow 03:22
149. Radio Rewrite: III. Fast 03:20
150. Radio Rewrite: IV. Slow 03:52
151. Radio Rewrite: V. Fast 02:58
152. Pulse 14:22
153. Quartet: I. Fast 06:45
154. Quartet: II. Slow 03:58
155. Quartet: III. Fast 05:54
156. Runner: I. Sixteenths 04:30
157. Runner: II. Eighths 01:27
158. Runner: III. Quarters 02:09
159. Runner: IV. Eighths 02:33
160. Runner: V. Sixteenths 05:00
161. Music for Ensemble and Orchestra: I. Sixteenths 04:58
162. Music for Ensemble and Orchestra: II. Eighths 03:13
163. Music for Ensemble and Orchestra: III. Quarters 02:23
164. Music for Ensemble and Orchestra: IV. Eighths 03:46
165. Music for Ensemble and Orchestra: V. Sixteenths 05:23
166. ReichRichter: Opening 09:08
167. ReichRichter: Patterns scales 10:03
168. ReichRichter: Cross fades 12:52
169. ReichRichter: Ending 04:34
170. Jacobs Ladder: I. Genesis 28:12 04:05
171. Jacobs Ladder: II. Vayachalom And he dreamed 02:27
172. Jacobs Ladder: III. Vhinei sulam mutzav artza An 03:20
173. Jacobs Ladder: IV. Vrosho magia hashamayima And i 03:41
174. Jacobs Ladder: V. Vhinei malachei Elokim olim vy 05:35
175. Travelers Prayer 12:32


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