Hardstyle (mixed by Max B Grant)
Release: Hardstyle (mixed by Max B Grant)

- Datum: 04.07.2006
Û°Û° 01 ³ Showtek - Puta Madre (Original Mix) ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 02 ³ Supermarco May Vs Pila - Fuera De Cav ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 03 ³ Max B Grant - Hardstyle Champion ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 04 ³ DJ Duro - Cocaine MF ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 05 ³ DJ Activator presents Prozact - Poppe ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 06 ³ J.T.S. - Humm Song ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 07 ³ Speedwave - Junior (Hardstyle Masterz ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 08 ³ Philippe Rochard - Waazzaaa ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 09 ³ DJ Luna meets Trilok & Chiren - Stree ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 10 ³ Tatanka Project - Tripods Attack ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 11 ³ DJ Zany - Feel The Drumz (Original Mi ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 12 ³ Max B Grant Vs Sisma DJ - Tecktonik A ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 13 ³ Blutonium Boy - In Touch With Tomorro ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 14 ³ Tornadozzer - Soundfuck (Original Mix ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 15 ³ Donkey Rollers - Followers (Original ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 16 ³ DJ Rob - In Your Face ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 17 ³ Midi Power - Midi Style (Original Mix ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° 18 ³ The Masochist - Killing Scum ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° ³ ³ °Û°Û
Û°Û° ³ TOTAL ³78:05 min °Û°Û
- Genre: Techno
- Qualität: 192 kbit/s
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Û±°Û TiTLE...[ Hardstyle Mixed By Max B Grant Û°±Û
Û°Û ÜÜß GENRE...[ Techno ßÜÜ Û°Û
Û²²Û Û²²Û
Û²°ÛÛ KHZ.....[ 44,1 ÛÛ°²Û
Û²±±²Û MODE....[ VBRkbps / Full Stereo Û²±±²Û
ÛÛßÛ²±Û Ü ENCODER.[ Lame 3.90.3 Ü Û±²ÛßÛÛ
ß Û°ÛÛ ÛÛ°Û ß
ܲ Û±²Û REL.DATE[ Jul-04-2006