Ultimix 205
Release: VA_-_Ultimix_205-WEB-2014-UME
:XX [1 ] Lady Gaga - G.U.Y. (Ultimix By 5:10 XX:
:XX [ ] Stacy Mier) XX:
:XX [2 ] Idina Menzel - Let It Go (Aude 5:49 XX:
:XX [ ] Remix) (Ultimix By Paul XX:
:XX [ ] Goodyear) XX:
:XX [3 ] Ellie Goulding - Beating Heart 5:28 XX:
:XX [ ] (Ultimix By Phynx & Huda) XX:
:XX [4 ] Ed Sheeran - Sing (Ultimix By 5:22 XX:
:XX [ ] Mark Roberts) XX:
:XX [5 ] Bellatrax ft. Sophia May - 5:18 XX:
:XX [ ] Falling For You (Ultimix By XX:
:XX [ ] Mark Roberts) XX:
:XX [6 ] Tony Arzadon ft. Chanel Dror - 5:21 XX:
:XX [ ] R U Jealous Yet (Ultimix By XX:
:XX [ ] Brian Roche) XX:
:XX [7 ] Calvin Harris - Summer 4:55 XX:
:XX [ ] (Ultimix By Beat Thrillerz) XX:
:XX [8 ] Nico & Vinz - Am I Wrong 4:51 XX:
:XX [ ] (Ultimix By Varsity Team) XX:
:XX [9 ] Vic Latino ft. Nalaya Brown & 5:21 XX:
:XX [ ] Fulanito - Conga 2014 (Ultimix XX:
:XX [ ] By Brian Roche) XX:
:XX [10] Pitbull ft. G.R.L. - Wild Wild 4:27 XX:
:XX [ ] Love (Ultimix By Stacy Mier) XX:
:XX [11] Information Society - Land Of 4:33 XX:
:XX [ ] The Blind (ULTI-Remix By DJ XX:
:XX [ ] Rix) XX:
:XX [12] The Hotheadz - Hot On Fire 4:56 XX:
:XX [ ] (Clean) (Ultimix By DJ Volume XX:
:XX [ ] & Huda Hudia) XX:
::X X::
/\ ::: Total Playtime : 61:31
- Genre: Pop
- Qualität: 320 kbit/s
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