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Cafe De La Cita Vol.2 (Jazzy Bar Lounge And Chill Out Tunes To Relax)

Release: VA-Cafe_De_La_Cita_Vol_2_(Jazzy_Bar_Lounge_And_Chill_Out_Tunes_To_Relax)-(FBM-27183)-WEB-2018-BF

Cafe De La Cita Vol.2 (Jazzy Bar Lounge And Chill Out Tunes To Relax)

01 artenovum - dulcimers vibes (chillout mix) 04:10
02 jean mare - down to underground (nu jazzy smooth m03:50
03 bernon - crying (deep drive mix) 05:27
04 nightbar jazz - late night (drum bass downbeat m03:04
05 jazzy system - fallout (urban city lounge mix) 05:57
06 soundset city - upright town (lounge mix) 05:02
07 ciyou - alright (funky downbeat mix) 05:14
08 area 42 - bytes the dust (dub cut version) 05:20
09 nightzoom - sweet lounge (nu jazzy way mix) 03:55
10 alexel - daily phenomena 04:08
11 dream project - come back (vocal chillout mix) 03:40
12 oliver schlolaut - this is my dream (by my side vo07:45
13 artenovum - sunshaker (soundscape del mar mix) 04:25
14 for found future - far away (jean mare electronic 05:53
15 the space ensemble project - a space odyssey (chil04:01
16 pascheba - vi ser 05:22
17 be free - dreamdance (chillout cut) 05:55
18 soundset city - one night with you (cool lounge cu04:07
19 jean mare - can't you feel it (smooth breath mix) 04:40
20 nightview - urban gently weeps (funky chillout mix04:27
21 soundset city - a trip to boston (chill lounge mix03:47
22 lebensart - talking heaven (lounge soundscape mix)04:36


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