Soulful House Selections Vol.02
Release: VA-Soulful_House_Selections_Vol_02-(LWSHS02)-WEB-2019-BF
01 Din Jay - Can't Get Enough (original mix) 05:22
02 Daniele Baldi - It's Crazy (extended mix) 06:32
03 Ondagroove feat Josephine Sweett - Music Life 07:26
04 Nicolas Bassi feat Morris Revy - Tonight (Main m07:11
05 Glass Slipper - STFU (vocal) 05:52
06 Sky Blue - Happily Ever After Remixes (Djed's or06:59
07 David Anthony - Rock The Joint (feat Latreda Max05:02
08 Walter G - Father's Song (Mijangos Acapulco mix)06:11
09 Ethiopian Chyld - Never Ever Change (original mi04:36
10 Phil Disco - My Play (original mix) 05:28
11 Backup Plan - Set You Free (radio mix) 02:54
12 FrankStar Eaze present Chanelle - One Night (o06:36
13 KqueSol - Love Lost (original mix) 05:33
14 Kwetsi - Dance (Heureux Deeps Soulful remix) 06:51
15 Manybeat feat Mau Munevar - Afro Sunshine (Guita06:13
16 Jorge Araujo Mr Kris - Question My Love (origi06:12
17 Mares Lee Wilson - You Can Dance (Snazzy Trax 05:52
18 Derrick Da House - Listen To This Sound (origina05:48
19 JoioDJ - What Nerve (feat D'Bra Powell) 08:07
20 Patrik Remann feat Max C Alfreda - Turn It Up 06:16
21 Anthony Romeno - Do It (feat Jessita MC Kinney) 07:11
22 Andrew Edward Brown feat Walt Elson - Do My Thin06:49
23 Keisha Hall - He Makes Me Say (Jyms BlackkSeed B06:15
24 Dolph McSummer - Just The Music (original mix) 06:40
25 DaWeird - Time Up (original mix) 06:09
- Genre: House
- Qualität: 320 kbit/s
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