Festival Techno Sounds (40 Different Club Works)
Release: VA-Festival_Techno_Sounds_(40_Different_Club_Works)-(LOR20036)-WEB-2020-wAx
01 - helen brown - earthquake (franx remix) 06:51
02 - jens mueller - the machine of my soul (original mix) 06:49
03 - joe de renzo - sun flow (vito raisi remix) 06:11
04 - franx - immaterial (andrea mirgone remix) 07:00
05 - double reaktion - galaxy rain (original mix) 08:30
06 - frondorf - roadrunner (cesar d constanzzo remix) 07:29
07 - double reaktion - punisher (spin head remix) 06:03
08 - nino pipito - speedometer (original mix) 07:12
09 - double reaktion - alternative energy (sam gregory . 07:34
10 - elia de biase - liquid space (original mix) 07:20
11 - nacim ladj - visitors (original mix) 07:20
12 - lorenzo damario - analog reality (original mix) 07:38
13 - nino pipito - natural flow (original mix) 06:46
14 - double reaktion - jupiter (miguel serrano remix) 06:35
15 - alex patane - get the music (original mix) 06:25
16 - nikolaj neliubov - schizophrenic raver (original mix) 06:13
17 - franx - goddess (original mix) 06:36
18 - nacim ladj - tubing (original mix) 06:42
19 - double reaktion - omega (original mix) 06:52
20 - drewtech - happy dreams (alex patane remix) 07:08
21 - nino pipito - gait (original mix) 06:27
22 - franx - utopian (marco ridulfo remix) 05:33
23 - gregory caruso - berlin (original mix) 08:02
24 - simone cerquiglini - stereoscopic (fred spiders re. 07:12
25 - nino pipito - urban ritual (original mix) 06:56
26 - drewtech - high speed (original mix) 05:57
27 - andrea mirgone - rave (original mix) 06:56
28 - drewtech - darkness (original mix) 05:54
29 - muskyo - energy (jack liberto remix) 05:40
30 - nacim ladj - ether (original mix) 08:07
31 - double reaktion - ignition (original mix) 07:15
32 - federico bonarrigo - scanner (original mix) 06:09
33 - mirko worz - sleepless (craig boyd remix) 05:59
34 - lorenzo damario - wrong keys (original mix) 06:02
35 - canosa - spasms (original mix) 07:22
36 - drewtech - reboot (original mix) 07:55
37 - canosa - gloomy (simone bica remix) 07:18
38 - drewtech - magic car (original mix) 06:34
39 - emanuele bruno - mode brass (original mix) 06:26
40 - double reaktion - reloaded (drewtech remix) 06:09
- Genre: House
- Qualität: 320 kbit/s
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