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Gary D. presents D.Trance 1 2003

Release: Gary D. presents D.Trance 1 2003

Gary D. presents D.Trance 1 2003


01. Cream Team "Div.X" (Original Mix) [07:10]
02. Svenson & Gielen "We know what you did..." [07:28]
03. Noemi "Y.O.U." (Mezziah Mix) [07:21]
04. Dito "Sky" (Talla 2XLC Remix) [06:25]
05. The Thrillseekers "Dreaming of you" (Flutlicht Rmx) [07:00]
06. The Matrix "The Matrix" (Cream Team Remix) [07:37]
07. Hennes & Cold "Get Down" [10:00]
08. Norman Bass "Clap your Hands" (Club Mix) [07:37]
09. DJ Astrid "Twinkle" (Original Mix) [07:23]
10. Andy Prince "Chaos in Motion" [08:18]

Total Time: [104 MB] [76:19]


01. Yves De Ruyter "Calling Earth 2002" [07:18]
02. Bobby V. "Free Love" (Gary D. Hard Love Mix) [06:34]
03. Marc Maris & Ram. "Lost in Love" (Club Attack) [06:00]
04. DJ Shog "The 2nd Dimension" (original Mix) [06:47]
05. Ultraphaze "A New World" (Brainkiller Mix) [06:57]
06. DJ Dean "Play it Hard" (DJ's @ Work Remix) [08:33]
07. Rave Allstars "Oder brauch ihr mehr?" [06:48]
08. Deluxe DJ Team "Anesthesia" [07:34]
09. Trancefuse "Killa Bazz" (Sam-Plings Club Mix) [06:06]
10. Stormcatcher "Chillout" [06:12]
11. NU-NRG "Dreamland" (Rank1 Re-Edit) [06:28]

Total Time: [103 MB] [75:17]

CD3 - Special Turntable Mix by DJ Gary D.

01. Bobby V. "Free Love" (Gary D. Hard Love Mix)
02. Deluxe DJ Team "Anesthesia"
03. The Matrix "The Matrix" (Cream Team Remix)
04. Svenson & Gielen "We Know What You Did..." (J. Gielen RMX)
05. Ultraphaze "A New World" (Brainkiller Mix)
06. Hennes & Cold "Get Down"
07. Cream Team "Div.X" (Original Mix)
08. Rave Allstars "Oder Braucht Ihr Mehr?" (Extended Mix)
09. Norman Bass "Clap Your hands" (Club Mix)
10. Trancefuse "Killa Bazz" (Sam- Plings Club Mix)
11. DJ Dean "Play It Hard" (DJ's @ Work Remix)
12. Stormcatcher "Chillout"
13. Noemi "Y.O.U." (Mezziah Mix)

Total Time: [103 MB] [74:53]


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