Ultimix Back Spins Vol.24
Release: VA_-_Ultimix_Back_Spins_Vol.24-WEB-2021-MST
01 Backstreet Boys Vs. David Bowie - Everybody Let's Dance (Ulti-R 04:13
02 Nine Inch Nails Vs. Ll Cool J - Closer to Mama (Clean) (Ulti-Re 04:31
03 Nine Inch Nails Vs. Ll Cool J - Closer to Mama (Dirty) (Ulti-Re 04:31
04 Glen Campbell - Rhinestone Cowboy (Ulti-Remix by Mark Roberts) 04:57
05 Salt-N-Pepa - Shoop (Ultimix by Doc Roc) 04:55
06 Lionel Richie - All Night Long (All Night) (Ulti-Remix by Beat 05:41
07 Dolly Parton - 9 to 5 (Ultimix by Paul Goodyear) 04:37
08 Joan Jett the Blackhearts - I Hate Myself for Loving You (Ult 03:52
09 The Hollies - Long Cool Woman (in A Black Dress) (Ultimix by DJ 03:50
10 Cage the Elephant - Ain't No Rest for the Wicked (Ulti-Remix by 04:48
11 Backstreet Boys Vs. David Bowie - Everybody Let's Dance (Kwikmi 03:05
12 Nine Inch Nails Vs. Ll Cool J - Closer to Mama (Kwikmix by Mark 03:34
13 Glen Campbell - Rhinestone Cowboy (Kwikmix by Mark Roberts) 03:53
14 Salt-N-Pepa - Shoop (Kwikmix Doc Roc) 03:00
15 Lionel Richie - All Night Long (All Night) (Kwikmix by Beat Thr 03:37
16 Dolly Parton - 9 to 5 (Kwikmixby Paul Goodyear) 02:47
17 Joan Jett the Blackhearts - I Hate Myself for Loving You (Kwi 01:59
18 The Hollies - Long Cool Woman (in A Black Dress) (Kwikmix by DJ 02:26
19 Cage the Elephant - Ain't No Rest for the Wicked (Kwikmix by DJ 02:24
- Genre: Pop
- Qualität: 256 kbit/s
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