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Electro Jazz Divas

Release: Electro Jazz Divas

Electro Jazz Divas

01 bobby hughes combination - karins kerma (vocals by karins 5:11
02 the amalgamation of soundz - enchant me (original 12" mix) 3:48
(vocals by yvonne webbley)
03 llorca - indigo blues (vocals by nicole graham) 5:56
04 zuco 103 - q baiano (vocals by lilian vieira) 2:46
05 nathan haines - squire for hire (vocals by marlena shaw) 3:33
06 jazzelicious - lover man (vocals by sarah vaughan) 5:40
07 jazzanova - no use (vocals by clara hill) 4:08
08 jill scott - it's love 5:54
09 wax poetic - angels (vocals by norah jones) 4:00
10 slow train - naturally (vocals by lady z) 3:55
11 mr scruff - beyond (vocals by seaming to) 3:44
12 beady belle - game (vocals by beate s. lech) 4:38
13 philouz - a black horse ran (vocals by brisa roche) 4:27
14 de-phazz - good boy (live version) (vocals by barbara lahr) 4:53
15 bugge wesseltoft - you might say (vocals by sidsel 6:26
16 laurent de wilde - if i could (vocals by malia) 4:58
17 matthew herbert - suddenly (vocals by dani siciliano) 5:46


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