I Am a Cold Rock, I Am Dull Grass: A Tribute to the Music of Will Oldham
Release: I Am a Cold Rock, I Am Dull Grass: A Tribute to the Music of Will Oldham

- Datum: 23.08.2004
01. Moyra McBride And Maxon Blewitt - Disorder
02. The Strugglers - Riding
03. Calexico - I Send My Love to You
04. Sodastream - Southside of the World
05. Iron & Wine - We All, Us Three, Will Ride
06. Saint Aldrijn - Werner's Last Blues to Blokbuster
07. Scout Niblet - Trudy Dies
08. Boy Omega - A Sucker's Evening
09. Pinetop Seven - A Minor Place
10. Pale Horse and Rider - Work Hard Play Hard
11. Jeffrey Luck Lucas - Agnes, Queen of Sorrow
12. Christian Kiefer - Viva Ultra
13. Racingpaperairplanes - Careless Love
14. Rivulets - You Will Miss Me When I Burn
15. Sorry About Dresden - All Gone All Gone
16. Pink Nasty - May it Always Be
17. The Channel - Black
18. Hudson Bell - Kid of Harith
- Genre: Rock
- Qualität: 192 kbit/s
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