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A Rock Tribute To Guns 'n Roses

Release: A Rock Tribute To Guns 'n Roses

A Rock Tribute To Guns 'n Roses

01: You're Crazy - Stevie Rachelle (of Tuff)
02: It's So Easy - Fred Coury (of Cinderella)
03: Welcome To The Jungle - Kevin DuBrow (of Quiet Riot)
04: My Michelle - Phil Lewis (of L.A. Guns)
05: Sweet Child O' Mine - Jizzy Pearl (of Ratt)
06: Paradise City - Kory Clarke (of Warrior Soul)
07: Mr. Brownstone - Joe Leste (of Bang Tango)
08: You Could Be Mine - Mitch Malloy
09: Used To Love Her - John Corabi (of Union)
10: Don't Cry - Spike (of Quireboys)
11: Patience - John Corabi (of Union)
12: Civil War - Christina Kartsonakis


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