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Large Music Presents Rhythm Lounge Vol 4

Release: Large Music Presents Rhythm Lounge Vol 4

Large Music Presents Rhythm Lounge Vol 4

01.Eddie Matos - Oye La Musica 07:13
02.Scott Wozniak - Soho Sessions 08:30
03.Jay-J & Chris Lum - Latinesta 07:47
04.Demarkus Lewis - Comin Back For Love 07:07
05.Halo & Mr. V - Change 07:22
06.Kerri Chandler - My Love, My Life 08:57
07.Eddie Matos - Latinism 06:42
08.Solar House - This Is Heaven 08:07
09.Andre Harris - Get Down Africa 07:32
10.Roy Davis Jr. - Wonderin (Chicago R&B Dub) 04:21


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Large Music provides a soundtrack to the soul with the fourth version in the Rhythm Lounge series. This album once again showcases the trademark Large Music sound; jazzy keys and vocals combined with New World rhythms that form a sophisticated, sexy mix. Although a perfect CD for late night lounging, Rhythm Lounge 4 also has enough energy to fill a dancefloor.


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