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The Green Mile

Release: The Green Mile

The Green Mile

1.Old Alabama Performed By B.B. And Group
2.Montrous Big
3.The Two Dead Girls
4.The Mouse on the Mile
7.Coffrey's Hands
8.Check to Check Performed by Fred Astaire
9.Condemned Man
11.Scared of the Dark
12.Wild Bill
13.Cigar Box
14.Circus Mouse
15.The Bad Death of Eduard Delacroix
16.Boy's Eye
17.Two Run-Throughs
18.Red over green
19.I can't you Anything but Love Performed By Billy Holiday
20.That's the Deal
21.L'Homme Mauvais
22.An Offense to the Heart
23.Morphine & Cola
24.Night Journey
25.Danger of Hell
26.Done Tom Turkey
27.Did you Ever See a Dream Walking Performed by Gene Austin
28.Trapingus Parish
30.Shine My Knob
31.Briar Ridge
32.Coffey On the Mile
34.Charmaine Performed by Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians
35.Now Long Gone
36.No Exceptions
37.The green Mile


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