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Batman (Score)

Release: Batman (Score)

Batman (Score)

JX' 01. the batman theme 02:38 `X[
JX' 02. roof fight 01:22 `X[
JX' 03. first confrontation 04:45 `X[
JX' 04. kitchen, surgery, face-off 03:09 `X[
JX' 05. flowers 01:51 `X[
JX' 06. clown attack 01:46 `X[
JX' 07. batman to the rescue 03:58 `X[
JX' 08. roasted dude 01:02 `X[
JX' 09. photos/beautiful dreamer 02:30 `X[
JX' 10. descent into mystery 01:33 `X[
JX' 11. the bat cave 02:35 `X[
JX' 12. the joker's poem 00:58 `X[
JX' 13. childhood remembered 02:43 `X[
JX' 14. love theme 01:30 `X[
JX' 15. charge of the batmobile 01:43 `X[
JX' 16. attack of the batwing 04:46 `X[
JX' 17. up the cathedral 05:06 `X[
JX' 18. waltz to the death 03:57 `X[
JX' 19. the final confrontation 03:50 `X[
JX' 20. finale 01:47 `X[
JX' 21. batman theme reprise 01:28 `X[


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