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Lost Souls - Verlorene Seelen

Release: Lost Souls - Verlorene Seelen

Lost Souls - Verlorene Seelen

1.Lost souls
2.Father Lareaux arrives
4.Maya's lullaby
5.Who is Peter Kelson?
6.Bedford church choir
7.Wakling into the unknown
8.Violent variation on Maya's theme
9.Breaking the code
10.Maya meets Peter
11.Birdson's eyes open
12.Peter is lonesome and afraid
13.Driving to confront Maya
14.You are that man, Peter
15.What's behind that pictures?
16.XES - Is there hope?
17.Haunted house of father John
18.The pentacle
19.The bridge
20.Father Lareaux possessed
21.The last exorcism
22.Satan's church
23.Last ride
25.Lost souls - End credits


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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