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The Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power (Season One)

Release: Bear_McCreary-The_Lord_of_the_Rings_The_Rings_of_Power_.Season_One_Amazon_Original_Series_Soundtrack.-OST-WEB-2022-ENRiCH

The Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power (Season One)

01. The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Main Title 01:33
02. Where the Shadows Lie 03:48
03. Galadriel 03:43
04. Khazad-dum 03:20
05. Nori Brandyfoot 02:49
06. The Stranger 05:03
07. Numenor 04:31
08. Sauron 02:45
09. Valinor 02:39
10. In the Beginning 07:49
11. Elrond Half-elven 03:23
12. Durin IV 03:04
13. Harfoot Life 02:21
14. Bronwyn and Arondir 02:47
15. Halbrand 02:55
16. The Boat 04:08
17. Sundering Seas 02:41
18. Nobody Goes Off Trail 04:25
19. Elendil and Isildur 04:16
20. White Leaves 04:41
21. The Secrets of the Mountain 03:49
22. Nolwa Mahtar 02:02
23. Nampat 02:34
24. A Plea to the Rocks 03:47
25. This Wandering Day 02:10
26. Scherzo for Violin and Swords 01:52
27. Sailing into the Dawn 04:18
28. For the Southlands 04:32
29. Cavalry 04:06
30. Water and Flame 03:29
31. In the Mines 08:14
32. The Veil of Smoke 04:59
33. The Mystics 07:54
34. Perilous Whisperings 02:41
35. The Broken Line 05:55
36. Wise One 08:44
37. True Creation Requires Sacrifice 05:51
38. Where the Shadows Lie (Instrumental) 03:04


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