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Kampfstern Galactica - Season 1

Release: Kampfstern Galactica - Season 1

Kampfstern Galactica - Season 1

1. Prologue
2. Main Title [US Version]
3. Helo Chase {From 33}
4. Olympic Carrier {From 33}
5. Helo Rescued {From 33}
6. Good Lighter {From Hand of God}
7. Thousandth Landing {From Act of Contrition}
8. Two Funerals {From Act of Contrition}
9. Starbuck Takes on All Eight {From Act of Contrition}
10. Forgiven {From You Can't Go Home Again}
11. Card Game {From Act of Contrition}
12. Starbuck on the Red Moon {From You Can't Go Home Again}
13. Helo in the Warehouse {From Litmus}
14. Baltar Speaks With Adama {From Six Degrees of Seperation}
15. Two Boomers {From Six Degrees of Seperation}
16. Battlestar Operatica {From Secrets and Lies}
17. Dinner Party {From Secrets and Lies}
18. Battlestar Muzaktica {From Colonial Day}
19. Baltar Panics {From Six Degrees of Seperation}
20. Boomer Flees {From Flesh and Bone}


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