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Bankey Ojo - A Story of Bones (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Release: Bankey_Ojo-A_Story_of_Bones_.Original_Motion_Picture_Soundtrack.-OST-WEB-2023-ENRiCH

Bankey Ojo - A Story of Bones (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

01. A Far Away Land 01:51
02. The Remote Island 01:58
03. Airport Opening 01:39
04. 9000 in Ruperts 00:44
05. Journey to Saint Helena 03:08
06. Old Bones 00:23
07. Windshear 01:21
08. Unique Remains 01:02
09. Whats the Plan 01:09
10. Invisible Memorial 01:55
11. Napoleons Hat 00:50
12. Just Beneath the Surface 02:02
13. Ruperts Valley Breeze 01:54
14. The New Council 00:55
15. Goodbye RMS 00:44
16. Invisible Memorial B 01:45
17. How Dramatic Are We 00:27
18. The 325 00:28
19. A Temporary Resting Place 01:36
20. Forgotten Colony Textures 01:56
21. The Story Will Live 01:52
22. Ancestral Roots 01:52
23. A New Chapter 00:55
24. When You Dont Know Your Past... 02:39
25. Light of Purpose C Letting Go 02:15
26. Now The Work Begins 01:23
27. Light of Purpose D 02:00
28. It Matters... 01:32
29. It Matters How We Choose To Remember 02:02
30. Gone But Not Forgotten 01:02


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