Harry Manfredini - Friday the 13th: The Ultimate Cut
Release: Harry_Manfredini-Friday_the_13th_The_Ultimate_Cut_.Music_from_the_Motion_Picture.-OST-WEB-2022-ENRiCH
01. Overlay of Evil 01:26
02. In the Barn Main Title 02:42
03. Banjo Travelin Source 01:18
04. Alice Goes to the Lake The Arrow 01:00
05. Say Isnt That the Road Jeepers Annie Gets It 02:07
06. Transition to Lake Brenda Sees Something 01:29
07. Death of a Snake 00:40
08. Ralph in the Pantry Ralph Leaves 01:33
09. Hello Can I Help You 00:41
10. Ned in Bed Dont Smoke in Bed 00:37
11. Not Tonight Jack I Have a Headache 02:57
12. Brenda in the Bathroom Help Me Brenda in Lights 04:45
13. The Bed Axe The Light Flash Lights Out 01:16
14. Alice on the Couch 00:34
15. Bill Hangs Around 01:35
16. Run Alice Run 03:16
17. Brenda Drops In 01:20
18. Im Mrs. Voorhees 02:29
19. Kill Her Mommy 03:58
20. No Place to Hide 01:02
21. Alice Hides in the Pantry Pantry Fight 01:54
22. Alice Walks Along the Lake 00:55
23. Last Fight 01:39
24. Boat on the Water Jason in the Lake 02:29
25. Final Shot 00:42
26. Ned Whistles Alternate Source 00:29
27. Varmlandsvisan Guitar Source 00:48
28. Ralph in the Pantry Ralph Leaves 01:33
29. The Bed Axe 00:22
30. Jason Flashback Overlay 01:18
31. Boat on the Water Complete 03:37
32. Boat on the Water Complete Without Flanger 03:37
33. Sail Away Tiny Sparrow 03:06
- Genre: Soundtrack
- Qualität: CBR 320kbps 44.1kHz Joint
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