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The Devil's Rejects (Score)

Release: The Devil's Rejects (Score)

The Devil's Rejects (Score)

1.Tiny and His Girl/Police
2.Ten Cars-Twenty Five Pigs
4.Mama Pulls the Trigger
5.Ride the Horse
6.Driving to the Khaki Palms
7.Unwanted Guests
8.Official Clown Business
9.Dirty Knees
10.See You in Hell
11.Yellow Brick Road
12.Another Failed Escape
13.Adam's Face
14.Rejects Were Here
15.Road Kill
16.Brother George/I Found Your Guy
17.Holy Guacamole
18.Hand Sandwich
21.You Feeling It, Brother?
22.Run Baby Girl
23.Tiny Snaps Wydell
24.We'll Come Back for You


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