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Carmine Diflorio and Usman Riaz - The Glassworker (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Release: Carmine_Diflorio_and_Usman_Riaz-The_Glassworker_.Original_Motion_Picture_Soundtrack.-OST-WEB-2024-ENRiCH

Carmine Diflorio and Usman Riaz - The Glassworker (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

01. Opening Suite 02:46
02. Nostalgia 01:00
03. Now We Make It 01:41
04. Welcome to Oliver Glass 01:20
05. Destiny 01:00
06. Morning Market 01:00
07. Wistful Dream 00:48
08. The Fanfare of War 00:52
09. Innocence 01:10
10. Partita in D Minor 01:02
11. You know My Name 01:27
12. Whimsey 01:47
13. Departing Innocence 01:28
14. Winds of Change 01:44
15. Solitudine in B Minor 01:04
16. Waltz of Courage 01:08
17. Poppas Parachute Plunge 00:43
18. The War Came to Us 00:22
19. Were a Part of it Now 01:52
20. Departure 02:15
21. Hello Vincent 00:34
22. Vincent and Alliz 01:54
23. Loss 00:23
24. Concerto in B Flat Rehearsal 00:16
25. A True Artist 00:39
26. Invitation 01:41
27. Mothers Necklace 00:27
28. Concerto in B Flat 00:59
29. Sea of Dreams 01:38
30. Partita in D Minor Encore 00:56
31. The War Trudges On 00:39
32. The Battle of the Great Ravine 02:03
33. Aftermath 02:23
34. Djinn 01:00
35. Let it Burn 00:42
36. Allizs Farewell 00:40
37. Sinister Premonitions 01:24
38. Destruction 00:55
39. Recollections of Innocence 02:57
40. Gentle Reflection 00:17
41. The Journey Home 00:36
42. Reunion 01:47
43. Sea of Dreams Reprise 02:23
44. The Glassworkers Melancholy 01:34


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