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Rocky Balboa: The Best Of Rocky

Release: Rocky Balboa: The Best Of Rocky

Rocky Balboa: The Best Of Rocky

1. Bill Conti - Gonna Fly Now 3:18
(Theme From Rocky)
2. Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger 3:58
3. Bill Conti - Going The Distance 2:46
4. James Brown - Living In America 4:44
5. Bill Conti - Redemption (Theme 2:40
From Rocky II)
6. Bill Conti - Fanfare For Rocky 2:55
7. Survivor - Burning Heart 3:50
8. Bill Conti - Conquest 4:42
9. Bill Conti - Adrian 1:47
10. Robert Tepper - No Easy Way Out 4:38
11. Bill Conti - Rocky's Reward 2:05
12. Bill Conti - Alone In The Ring 1:26
13. John Cafferty - Heart's On Fire 4:12
14. Bill Conti - Can't Stop The 3:20
15. Bill Conti - Mickey 4:37
16. Bill Conti - Overture 8:50
17. Three 6 Mafia - It's A Fight 3:07
18. Bill Conti - Gonna Fly Now 3:07
(John X Remix)


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TITLE: Rocky Balboa: The Best Of Rocky
LABEL: Capitol Records
GENRE: Soundtrack
BITRATE: 211kbps avg
PLAYTIME: 1h 06m total
RELEASE DATE: 2006-12-26
RIP DATE: 2006-12-11

The best of Rocky!

The official soundtrack to the new film Rocky Balboa. 16 Rocky classics
remastered and two brand new songs from Three 6 Mafia and Bill Conti/John
X/Natalie Wilde.


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