The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Release: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

- Datum: 24.02.2009
Disk: 1
1. Postcards
2. Mr. Gateau
3. Meeting Daisy
4. A New Life
5. Love in Murmansk
6. Meeting Again
7. Mr. Button
8. "Little Man" Oti
9. Alone at Night
10. It Was Nice to Have Met You
11. Children's Games
12. Submarine Attack
13. The Hummingbird
14. Sunrise on Lake Pontchartrain
15. Daisy's Ballet Career
16. The Accident
17. Stay Out of My Life
18. Nothing Lasts
19. Some Things You Never Forget
20. Growing Younger
21. Dying Away
22. Love Returns
23. Benjamin and Daisy
Disk: 2
1. "My name is Benjamin"
2. We Shall Walk Through the Streets of the City
3. "Some days I feel different"
4. Ostrich Walk
5. "How old are you?"
6. That's How Rhythm Was Born
7. "When was the last time you had a woman?"
8. Freight Train Blues
9. Basin Street Blues
10. "Thanksgiving, 1930"
11. If I Could Be With You (One Hour Tonight)
12. "What's your secret?"
13. Chanson Sur Staline
14. "A date which will live in infamy..."
15. Arabeske for Piano in C Major, Op. 18
16. "Coming home"
17. Out Of Nowhere
18. Dear Old Southland
19. "Defined by opportunities"
20. Skokiaan
21. "Things were becoming different for me..."
22. My Prayer
23. Bethena (A Concert Waltz)
- Genre: OST
- Qualität: 192 kbit/s
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Komponist: Alexandre Desplat
Audio CD (30. Januar 2009)