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VA - Masters Of Hardcore Chapter XL Tournament Of Tyrants

Release: VA_-_Masters_Of_Hardcore_Chapter_XL_Tournament_Of_Tyrants-WEB-2018-MMS

VA  -  Masters Of Hardcore Chapter XL Tournament Of Tyrants

01 Angerfist ft. Tha Watcher - Tournament of Tyrants (Masters of Hardcore Anthem 2018) 05:57
02 Tha Playah Never Surrender ft. MC Jeff - Gunshow 02:41
03 AniMe - Catch me if you Can 02:48
04 Miss K8 ft. Nolz - Resolute Power (Syndicate 2017 Anthem) 04:12
05 Broken Minds - Harness their Energy 02:49
06 D-Fence - Start No Shit 03:09
07 Furyan Tha Watcher - Live By Your Vow (Masters of Hardcore Moscow Anthem 2018) 03:26
08 Concept Art Thorax - Rave Until The Grave (Hardcore Edit) 03:52
09 DJ Mad Dog - Babylon Dead 01:18
10 Denekamps Gespuis Act of Rage - Supreme Power 03:32
11 Re-Style x Broken Minds x Alee - Basshead 02:50
12 Radical Redemption N-Vitral - Hover Through Hell 02:16
13 Blasters - Crack Music 04:40
14 Unexist - Attack (Dither Remix) 04:17
15 Deadly Guns x Destructive Tendencies ft. Sovereign - Armageddon 04:02
16 Dyprax - Titty Pom Pom 03:21
17 Black Flowers - Wasted 03:08
18 Sefa - LEVEN is LIJDEN 04:19
19 Bodyshock - The Virus 04:38
20 Bulletproof - Code Red 03:06
21 Drokz - Poppin (Drokz Hardbouncer Remix) 03:32
22 Scarphase vs Lunakorpz - Mosphit 02:50
23 Korsakoff Never Surrender ft. Alee - Salvation 03:35
24 AniMe ft. Dave Revan - The Third Invastion (Masters of Hardcore Austria Anthem 2018) 04:12
25 Tears of Fury - Pain Game 03:42
26 Noize Suppressor - Shit Down 02:30
27 Access one - Deceived 03:29
28 Angerfist IGor - Gangsterizm 03:23
29 Stereotype - Angry 03:17
30 Crossfiyah - Anger 03:28
31 Drypax ft. MC Mozhard - The Pandemic 03:36
32 Black Flowers - Wake Up 03:08
33 Partyraiser Crime Scene - Rocking With the Best 03:57
34 Negative A - Underground Broke 04:53
35 Deadly Guns ft. Livid - Decimate To Dust 03:32
36 Dither - Raggacore 03:07
37 Sefa - Follow 03:44
38 Death by Design Maissouille - Rampage Of Vikings 03:37
39 Bodyshock - Voice of Reason 03:42
40 Repix MC RG - Breaking Barriers 05:06
41 Drokz - My Shit Is Dope 02:34
42 Akira - Rave 2055 03:04


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